Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Saturday Prayer For July

Make It Right
From Oppression to Opportunity
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before you in the matchless, wonderful Name of Jesus and ask that you would help us in this event planning, preparation and presentation. Our heart is to bring about a greater understanding of global, National and local human trafficking through Sheryl WuDunn while bringing honor and glory to You as the Way Maker of change. Give her the words to open hearts to the reality of this issue. Lord, we want to see captives set free, broken hearts mended, and comfort brought to those victims who mourn about their losses from injustice. Use us Lord to bring Light to the darkness!

Lord, we ask that You would help us to raise funds to impact the human trafficking darkness. We pray specifically that chapters would raise their pledged sum for their projects and that the monies allotted for this event will be paid back in full. We ask that You would sell each seat three times. We ask for underwriters to cover the cost. Lord, bless Renee Stearns as she calls people to respond. Give her words to awaken hearts to the need and to their means. Lord, we ask BIG because we believe that You are the God of the BIG and miraculous. We ask You to move beyond what we could think or ask.

We ask for unity and harmony among the committees and that You would give each committee member an extra measure of Your strength, stamina and provision. We ask that the fruit of Your Spirit would be evident in our dealings with each other and those with whom we contact surrounding this event. We ask that nothing would divide is in mind or spirit. We ask that you would be lifted up at each meeting, in every communication and in the evening of the event.
We praise You Lord for each person. We ask that you would bless each one. Lord, You have orchestrated a team of mighty, godly women who “do” so that others can live life in its fullness.

We praise You that You have called us to this event at such a time as this and that You will equip us in every way to be all that we can be as a testimony to all that You are! We do not presume that we are sufficient in ourselves for this or any other task that we do to advance Your kingdom. We praise You that You send Your Holy Spirit to guide us through this process and that we cannot fail because You are the center of this work.

We praise You and worship You as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory and honor and blessing. In Your Name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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