Our very own Patty in Mongolia
Praise for Answered Prayers
Thank you for praying for our Team Mongolia. They have returned safely, except for Sandy who is still traveling. God blessed them with an incredible journey that touched their hearts as they touched the hearts of others.
October 18, 2010
The camels started howling (or whatever camels do) yesterday when we climbed aboard, but they eventually cooperated and lumbered across the plain to give us another taste of the nomadic life. When I asked the Mongolian herder to make them stop so I could take a picture of Kay behind me (we rode in two's), he handed me the reigns to both our camels and offered to take the photo for me. Well, we've never been trusted to guide our own camels before! We don't speak their language. I threw Kay her own reigns not wanting to be responsible for both of us, and as I feared they took advantage of us and decided to make a bee line to home. We tried every Mongolian word we know (all two of them!) and tried our English as well, but to no avail. In the end we laughed and enjoyed the bumpy trotting journey, feeling free and out of control -- actually a good metaphor for a vision trip in general.
That was our morning in Mongolia yesterday. In the evening we joined Cornerstone Church for worship. It was an international church, and we enjoyed singing familiar hymns in our own language. Marilee was the guest speaker and she was amazing. She has her father's gift. Many people were very touched by her message, including myself. This morning she will speak again in World Vision's chapel time.
We've had an amazing week here in Mongolia. We give such thanks and appreciation to the very dear World Vision staff who have sacrificed time with their families to spend time with us.
This is our last day here and we are sad to say good-by to our Mongolian friends, but we are excited to see all of you again.
Thanks for your prayers. We have felt them.
Find more pictures from the trip here within the next few days.
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